17 December 2011

My Goals in Review

So my 10 goals....let's see how we did shall we....

1. Speak Spanish better.
2.Survive on my Own in a Foreign Country
3.Understand the Fundamental Differences between the Argentine and American Health Care Systems
4. Be able to Prepare a Traditional Argentine Meal
5.Visit Someplace outside of Buenos Aires
6. Get and Work at a Second Internship
7.Swim in the Rio de la Plata
8. Take at least 100 pictures of my Trip
9.Watch/Participate in some form of Tango Dancing
10.Have an Evita Moment

Let's take a look at them one by one now.....

1. I definitely speak Spanish better than I did when I first arrived. More than being able to speak Spanish thought my understanding has improved exponentially. I read a book and half completely in Spanish while I was here. I can understand medical interviews, presentations, and television. My true test came when I had to call the cab company on the phone and speak Spanish. I didn't even blink and was able to get my point across and understand what they told me. That to me is the true sign of knowing the language better. Being able to speak on the phone in the foreign language means you are relying completely on your language skills, no hand gestures or facial expressions allowed. So yes I would say I accomplished this goal.

2. Did I survive on my own in a foreign country? I would say so. I really began acting like I lived in Buenos Aires and like I was going to be there for a long time. People would stop me to ask for directions, would speak to me in Castellano and get aggravated when I didn't get everything they said the first time until they realized I was a foreigner, and I even became a regular at the café by my house. Not to mention the fact that I had amazing experiences in the city working and traveling. I would call this one accomplished.

3. Well I certainly hope I accomplished this goal. I mean I gave a presentation on it on behalf of the US Embassy so I would say that is a pretty good sign that I had a firm grasp on the differences. But in all honesty, my time here not only highlighted the differences (both positive and negative) but gave me a greater appreciation for the healthcare system that we have in the United States.

4. I would say I can definitely prepare a traditional Argentine meal. I mean the trick really is to make sure that you have absolutely no vegetables except for potatoes, a huge hunk of meat, a delicious glass of wine from Mendoza, and a small dessert (flan or ice cream) with either a coffee or some maté. Yea  I think I got that one down.....I won't be cooking this for anyone any time soon, but I could if I wanted to!

5. Did I ever visit someplace outside of Buenos Aires....I went first to Mar del Plata and had tons of fun at the beach. Then I had my Patagonian Peregrination....I won't recap all of that for you, but suffice it to say I made it to the end of the world and back in only 5 days. Oddly enough I didn't go to either of the two places I planned, but I think the trade off was definitely more my style and worth it!

6. So as I have said in the past I definitely did this. I got a second internship, again at some place completely not in my plans, and took advantage of every opportunity possible. I went to an immigration conference, a meeting with the US Embassy, and even other meetings with NGOs in Buenos Aires. Whoever says a co-op is like a normal internship has never met a husky....that't all I'm saying!

7. Okay....this is the one goal I did not accomplish. Quite honestly I am okay with it. I realize that by looking at some of my goals and seeing that they weren't realistic that it is okay to not accomplish everything. I mean I think if I had accomplished this goal then maybe my goal to survive in a foreign country wouldn't have been accomplished because I would have contracted some strange disease from the dirty water of the Rio de la Plata.

8. Yes I have taken far more than 100 pictures while here in Buenos Aires and on my trip. One day I actually took a grand total of 123 pictures.....that is ridiculous! I have never been a picture taker, but I definitely attempted to be better at documenting this trip and I think I succeeded.

9. I did this several times and even got to see an AMAZING tango show. I think just by the virtue of being in Buenos Aires it would have been impossible not to accomplish this goal.

10. What did I do my last full night in Buenos Aires?? I spent it at home cleaning and listening to the Evita soundtrack. I may have ventured onto my balcony once or twice maté in hand....This goal was accomplished time and time again, I assure you!

There you have it a brief overview of the goals I had and my level of achievement on each one. I think its funny that I always tend to have goals in my life or plans for how things are going to work and they always get shot completely to hell. I don't mean I don't accomplish them I just mean it is never in a very orthodox way. Life thinks its mighty funny to see how I'll react in different weird situations and its good to know that even though my experiences might be out of the ordinary they don't necessarily hinder my ultimate goals in anyway at all. 

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