16 December 2011

Being a Tourist Part 8


This is perhaps the MOST touristy place in all of Buenos Aires. I waited until the very last week to go back and quite frankly I am thrilled I didn't go sooner. The number of tourist was ridiculous first of all. I honestly think there were more people speaking English or German than Castellano. Fortunately for me, I got to feel good about myself because everyone who worked there, the waiters, hockers, barristas, all thought I was from Argentina, and would only speak to me in Spanish. I think it was probably a combination of the fact that I naturally look Argentine and the facial expressions of disgust I was making at the tourists fawning over some of the dumbest and most gimmicky things EVER.

All that being said, I am glad I went. I think it is one of those things that you just have to do to be able to say that you did it, sort of like the duck tours in Boston. I got to see a little tango performance. It wasn't bad it just paled in comparison the the show I had seen the night before. I also got a great cup of coffee, which is always a plus. The best part of  the journey for me though had to be seeing the ghetto I had walked through the last time I tried to go here to get a view at those pretty colorful houses. I got a good chuckle out of it honestly. I think some of the people on the bus probably thought I was crazy, but who cares.

So without further ado, here are some pictures....



This was easily the best part of the morning/day.....a PorteƱo breakfast....cafe con leche, tres medialunes, and two jarritos of jugo exprimido y agua con gas!

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