21 December 2011

My Blog in Review

Since I have now been home for almost a week I thought I would take this time to review just how successful my blog was. I am actually quite proud of how many people were interested in my trip and saw the different things that I did while in Argentina. The map below is actually a picture of the different countries where people viewed my blog. I can't believe it. Over 30 countries and counting...

As of right now the total number of views my blog has received is just under 2300. Again I am in complete awe that my blog has been viewed that many times in just 3 months.

My blog has honestly been a lot like my trip. It started as one thing and I think slowly transformed as I was in Argentina. There were lots of posts that I expected to create and lots of posts that I never would have dreamed of making....ever....and I still can't believe that I made some of them.

Ultimately, this blog will serve as an excellent reminder to me of my experiences in Argentina and hopefully will help educate and inspire others to seek similar opportunities. For those of you who have followed my musings since the beginning I thank you and for those of you who have looked once or maybe twice I encourage you to read everything and see what you think about my experience and the different things Argentina has to offer.

Well I guess that is all ....... So until my next trip somewhere in the world.....I guess this is good-bye!

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