01 December 2011

Argentine Musicians Part 2

Part two in our installment about Musicians here in Argentina. Hmmmm....well truth be told this one isn't going to be about particular musicians at all. Rather I am going to talk about two big music festivals that occur here in Buenos Aires. The first is the Buenos Aires Jazz Festival and the second is a festival known as Creamfields.

At first I was really surprised the Buenos Aires even had a Jazz Festival to be honest with you. I mean when you think of the capital of a South American country the first thing that comes to mind isn't exactly the low cool stylings of a random jazz musician in a smoky bar/club. But the Jazz Festival actually had a lot of different both local jazz people, others from Latin America, and even some from the US. Most of the events for the jazz festival were free, but the really big deal people tended to perform in theaters. The tickets weren't expensive, but you know my cheap ass so we went for the free stuff.

Last night I actually went to the final performance of the Buenos Aires Jazz Festival. It was held at the Cultural Center in Recoleta outside on the terrace. It was actually really really beautiful, crowded but beautiful. What I think was most exciting for me was I actually understood what the performer was singing. It was great! The woman's name was Roxana Amed....see a video of her below....

She is basically a Spanish blues/jazz singer....which reminds me a little of Portuguese Fado music....

So here are some pictures from the jazz festival.....

This is how far away we started.
This is how close we got.

Okay so those lights just twirled in circles but that giant light up man had a giant light up heart that blinked red like it was actually beating.....really cool!

Now the other music festival that is a big deal here is called Creamfields.....it is an electronica music festival. I personally have no interest in going to it for several reasons, the primary one being electronica is not really my jam for a concert necessarily. But to each his own. Since this one hasn't actually happened yet I am posting a video about the line up for this year....

Basically the vibe I get from everyone here is that Creamfields is really like an Argentina sort of version of Woodstock. All the people there tend to take some sort of drugs, drink a lot, and then just zone out with all of the electronic music. There is no seating just standing room in front of multiple different stages each with different artists throughout the day. To give you an idea of what it is like there is a video below of the end of last years and what it looked like and the type of beats that are bumping out(there is really no other way to describe it) all day and night long.

So I guess that's all I have for this one....pretty short and sweet. Hope you enjoy it!

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