18 September 2011

What I Leave Behind...

I'm getting ready to leave....I can't believe that I leave on Wednesday!!!! Anyway, back to the point of this blog post. I'm sure that by now you are all sick of posts prior to my departure but I swear this is the last one.

I thought since I am going to be doing this for the next 3 months that I would let everyone get to know me a little bit better. So this post is dedicated to what I leave behind here in the US.

Since this blog post really is just superfluous information about my life (in reality isn't that what all blogs are though?) I've decided to add videos with songs that have been added to my leaving soundtrack...first up...
Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson

First things first......my family

Here are a few pictures of all of the lovely members of my family.....I'm sure they will all kill me when they see these, but knowing my family they probably won't check my blog until I'm already in Argentina and I doubt any of them know a hit man in Buenos Aires so I'm safe until I get back at least.

I don't really know how my mother manages to escape these pictures but my father , brother , and me.
A picture of all of the cousins...well except James but that's because this was his wedding day. 
Jonathan and Ally...I put this up because its just so typical of both of them smiling and goofy

My mom, brother, and father at my lil brother's graduation from the academy. 
Grandma and Grandpa....Married 50 years...
dear god, that's more than double my age...and still happy!

Jonathan and Auntie Maureen
My brother and Father....probably the best picture
I've ever seen of the two of them...EVER!
The Oliveiras(Auntie Katy, Uncle Matt, Ally)

The Dunns(Uncle Brian, Kathleen,
Sammy and Auntie Eileen and Uncle David photobombing)

                                              Left to Right: Sammy, Me, Jonathan, James, Dave

So this is pretty much everyone....its actually a picture from my grandparent's 50th Wedding Anniversary Party which happened this Saturday so it s pretty accurate representation of what we all look like (I don't know if that's good or bad?). Okay so going clockwise starting with me, Jonathan, James, Dave, Uncle David, Uncle Brian, Kathleen, Auntie Eileen, Kara, Auntie Maureen, Mom, Dad, Uncle Matt, Auntie Katy, Ally, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Margaret Ann, Uncle Barry, Aunt Francis, and Sammy.

Another song for you listening pleasure...Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay-Sara Bareilles

The place I call home.....

Okay so this is weird because really there are two places that I think of as home, but they're both in Massachusetts so I'm going to show pictures of both of them.

First and foremost there is the school that I keep talking about that I attend....Northeastern University. I LOVE this place. From my very first college tour at this place I knew it is where I wanted to go to college and I am so thankful all the time that I got in and get to call myself a Husky! Northeastern is the reason I can go on this trip and the reason why I got to travel to Asia so I really do owe all of my international travel experience to this place (unless you count the Canadian side of Niagra Falls as International travel experience)
Copley Plaza

John Hancock building 
Boston Public Library, the Pru, and a few hotels
Hotel in Copley Plaza

One of the old churches in my hometown. 

The Shack..my favorite place on Earth!
Shore Dr.

More importantly though is the small town that I grew up in and call home, good ole' Fairhaven. I love this place. Almost all of my family live in this town and always have ever since I can remember. The "Shack" which is my home away from home when I'm in Fairhaven is my solace from the rest of the world. No matter where I am I always think if I can find the ocean I am somehow connected with my home. The water somehow someway is an unbroken connection between me and a piece of home. My town is actually pretty historic and I've provided you with some lovely photos of the old buildings in town. Of course, I'm not the best photographer so you will have to forgive a lot of the eh pictures, but you get the idea. My town is pretty quirky. Its your typical small New England town. We still have town meetings every year, and everyone knows everyone else, which is good, bad, and to be expected in a town of our size. I always find it funny that I went from this kind of a small town to Boston and now to Buenos Aires. Something about living in a small town has pushed me into yearning for city life, but I love being able to return and still see and know all of the people who were there when I left. I guess that's one of the perks, right?

Okay last song for your listening pleasure....I can't imagine you're still looking at this post but if you are here is Say Goodbye-Katie Thompson

Who I am right now, today.....

"You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a place, like you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way again."

I remember reading this passage when I was in high school and thinking, "What the hell is this woman talking about?" I mean understood theoretically what she meant but practically I had no clue. Preparing to leave for my adventure from Argentina this quote came rushing back to me. After having left home and started college, after having gone to Singapore and returned home, each time I returned I was most certainly not the person I was before I left. I think to the world at large I may have remained much the same but the way my inner monologue functions changed dramatically. The way I think about the world, the people around me, my career, and my life shifted after each of these major adventures. Getting ready to leave now I am preparing myself for another switch. I anticipate that it again will be for the better, something that will improve my ability to understand the world around me and how it affects me. The trip will probably open my eyes to some sort of injustice that I didn't know existed which will anger me and simply add to my repertoire of information to leave me bitter against the world. And yes I'm sure I will miss the person I am right now at this moment. The person who was ignorantly blissful in regards to some sort of injustice, the person who knows their life's ambitions, the person who has some semblance of the path they're taking in life. It was nice while it lasted. Truthfully for as much as I will miss the me I am right now, I'm overjoyed to know that there will be a new me, an improved me, at the end of this adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Alright where do I begin.....

    First, you must have forgotten that I work with federal detainees so I do in fact know hitmen in South America. Second, I like the picture of the beer and the one of the beers keeping your books organized. I'm glad all is going well so far and you like your apartment and Argentina. The blogspot is looking pretty good and is actually pretty interesting (Yes, I was thinking it was going to be boring seeing as you were writing it). Other than that have fun and enjoy your trip and get slammerfaced with the locals.

    P.S. That thing for your shower is a SEX TOY!!!
