14 September 2011


                             What are my Goals for this Trip??

Before leaving for my trip I think its only appropriate that I come up with a list of my goals for the duration of my stay in Buenos Aires. When I am back in the states, in time for Christmas, I will review just how my trip stacked up and how I did in achieving all of my goals. So without further ado, here is a list of my goals:

1. Speak Spanish Better!!!

       This is by far the most important goal to me for my stay in Buenos Aires. As a nursing student I encounter a great number of my patients that solely speak Spanish and if I could simply communicate with them without the use of a translator. I know this seems trivial, but it really is my major purpose in heading to South America. I want to be a nurse prepared to deal with as many situations and different types of patients as possible and that means learning Spanish. (The fact that I get to visit a really cool country is just an added bonus)

2. Survive on my own in a foreign country.

    I know it may seem that I have goals 1 and 2 mixed up but I don't. When I say survive, I don't really mean survive. I'm not really concerned that I'm going to be kidnapped, raped, and left for dead in a foreign country, especially one like Argentina. The goal isn't to avoid being a character in the next version of the movie Taken, the goal is to survive as a local or citizen or in Argentina's case a PorteñoI want to assimilate into the culture enough that I surviving just like every other person around me, with friends, colleagues, and strangers. I want to be asked for directions by a lost tourist.

3. Understand the fundamental differences between the Argentina Healthcare System and the American system

    After going abroad last summer to Singapore and Bali I realized just how different medical systems can be around the world. A simple procedure in this country may be a monumental advancement in another. I expect that the Argentine system of medicine will be fairly similar to the American system, but I am going to keep my eyes and ears peeled for any difference.

4. Be able to Prepare a Traditional Argentine meal

   Again I realize this may seem trivial, but I really want to be able to cook an Argentine steak and make the traditional side dishes. I want to serve the meal with a traditional Argentine wine. I want to make a traditional dessert and serve it with a cup of mate. I want to be able to come back to the US and make the same meal for my family and friends and I want them to enjoy it. Silly, but true!

5. Visit someplace outside of Buenos Aires

    I know it probably seems like I'm just getting greedy here, but I want to feel so comfortable in Buenos Aires that I can head to Uruguay or to the Iguazu Falls and enjoy the break from the city. I want to feel so at home in Buenos Aires that all I want to do after visiting one of these places is return to my home...but not here in the states....my home in Buenos Aires (sorry mom and dad).

6. Get and work at a Second Internship

    Now this one implies a couple different things. First it basically assumes I will attend and enjoy my first internship at Hospital San Isidro (Duh!). The second thing about this is I really want to find a second internship where I am doing more public health work. I want to see Argentina's stance on public health crises like HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and drug addictions. How do they deal with them? Is there any secret I can bring back to the US...can I bring any knowledge to them? This is lofty....but so are most of the goals.

The next four are actually just small little things that I really want to do.....no judgement!

7. Swim in the Rio de La Plata
   Is an explanation really necessary on this one? How about a picture?

8.Take at least 100 pictures of my trip

   I am traditionally one of the worst picture takers in the history of the world. I always forget my camera, I never really want to be in pictures, and I really have absolutely no artistic vision at all.

9. Watch/Participate in some form of Tango dancing 

    Why? Because I'm going to Argentina and I think anyone who goes to Argentina should have to do this....sort of like how you have to get leied if you go to Hawaii.

Last and certainly least.....

10. I want to have an Evita moment

     I know, I know.....don't even say it. Doesn't everyone secretly want to have one of these though? That moment where you're standing alone on your balcony in the middle of Buenos Aires, Argentina and singing quietly (or maybe belting) Don't Cry for Me Argentina or another song from the show. Okay so this is probably the most ridiculous thing on this list but I'm alright with that. I can't save the world the whole time I'm gone.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Justin:

    Loving your "getting ready" and your "goals" and - knowing you youWILL accomplish all of them.
