23 September 2011

El Apartamento

Last night I went out for drinks with bunch of the people from the program, including another HUSKY, "what, what Northeastern" kids all over the globe you don't even know about! (Sorry about that).

I digress, we were all talking about our apartments and I've got to tell you I definitely made out. I was unsure about not wanting to live with a host family. Everyone says its such a nice experience you get to really understand the culture, but quite honestly after some of the stories I heard I am thrilled that I am in my OWN place. Okay Okay I know you don't care about reading this and just want to see the pictures so here they are:

First stop the door. My door is wonderful. Its so protective that I actually couldn't get into it the first time I tried. Luckily, the landlord (because the super also couldn't figure it out) came down and taught me the trick.

This is the red button that I have to press everyday to turn the light on in my outside hallway....the little kid in me is THRILLED!!!!
Next stop on the tour is my inside hallway.....that was boring so instead I'm going to show you the artwork on my hallway walls...

I don't know if there use to be a picture of an elephant here and its missing, but I use it to hang up my keys....pretty convenient I think

Okay now I realize that none of those really show you my apartment, but come on, a montage dedicated to an elephant getting submerged and then reemerging....its a little funny!

Next stop...my bedroom(I guess)...

My bed...Looks comfy right....it is!

This is the shelf over my bed.
This is again the shelf over my bed....can you
guess which books they provided and which ones I brought??
That's the first stop on the apartment journey....next stop my kitchen/hallway!

I realize that this picture is probably going to upset some people, i.e. my mother and grandfather....You might ask yourself why, there is one simple answer the tea kettle is on the outside burner and someone could just knock that down or off.....well good thing I live alone and won't do that. :)
Where should we go next....I know let's head to the bathroom...

Yes....I have a bidet...no I have not used it.

This is for you LB....that's right I have a world shower curtain too....I say we have a country off or a major city off when we both return to the states??? You game?? And I know you read this blog I saw people viewing it from Germany!
So funny story about that bath mat...I slipped on it and banged my shin on the bathtub.....so typical.

A razor came with the apartment...go figure!
Just my sink...nothing special.

Okay ten points to whoever can tell me what this is and how I hook it up in my bathroom?? I've got to tell you when I first saw it I was a little disturbed and still am a little....
Hmmmm....what else oh yea...my dining area and my balcony!

my kitchen table....which is quickly just becoming my desk...but it will stay neat ....who am I kidding this is probably the neatest it will be the whole time I'm here.

My TV and a very very comfy chair!

My balcony....no I have not pulled an Evita yet...but I will....actually I talked about Eva Peron for like an hour yesterday at the bar...they seemed to be impressed that an American knew so much about one of their leaders (I didn't tell them I knew all that from the musical...you have to keep some secrets right...)

I have potted plants and chairs for children.....hopefully I don't kill the plants....and hopefully no one lets children out on the balcony alone!
Last but not least...I think you should get to see the view from the balcony right...I have some pictures from last night and some I just took...enjoy... I know I do!

I guess that's it...my apartment in a nutshell....Oh I guess there is one more thing...my mirror....I am only doing this because I never had a myspace and therefore never got to take one of these pictures!


  1. I'm glad you posted some pics, who would have believed it, Justin taking pictures and actually posing(sort of) in one. I'm very glad you are happy with the apartment, it looks great, but you really need to get an iron !!

  2. think the photos are fabulous - thanks - hope Gramma gets to see them too. Really enjoying your blog -

  3. Justin your mom introduced me to your blog. I love it and it keeps me in stitches. love all your comments, you almost remind me of Ian Wright, my favorite Globe Trekker guy. Thanks for the pictures, makes me feel like I am almost there, in Argentina. Also I tried to send a comment earlier. I dont think it took, but if you end up with two, it is because I still don't always know what I am doing with the computers. :)n Monika
