28 November 2011

Being a Tourist- Part 7

The next installment of my Being a Tourist series is a place called Puerto Madero. Literally translated this means "Port Lumber". First of all I did not mean to actually go here the day I took all of these pictures so I tried to get the best I could on what little information I knew. 

Puerto Madero is actually one of the wealthier parts of Buenos Aires....NOW~! Traditionally Puerto Madero is where that whole porteño and Lunfardo thing actually began if you have been reading and following along. If not I strongly encourage you to go back and read....Spanish or Something Like it......yes I am shamelessly plugging my own blog in my blog.....don't judge me!

Anyway, there is little to know recognition that this place has ever been anything but immaculate. I actually got a picture of one of the original buildings so we will throw that up so you can sort of get a frame of reference. Let's start with some pictures then I'll write a little blurb about the buenas ondas of Puerto Madero and then I'll finish with some more pictures....

One of two older buildings that I saw.


Now for some thoughts. I instantly thought of two things upon seeing the bridge leading from one side of the river to the other. Here is a picture of the bridge.....

First I was reminded of the Zakim bridge in Boston. Then I was reminded of the bridge in Singapore that went from one side of the river to the other and connected our hotel with Clark Quay. This design of a triangular type rise and the coils going down to the bridge below. I realize this seems like something very weird to point out because well a bridge is a bridge after all and they are all bound to share some similarities. It just struck me as funny that upon seeing the bridge to Puerto Madero I had not only one but two different bridges come into my mind.

I digress. Puerto Madero really did give me some flashbacks to Singapore. It was I think more of what I was expecting from Buenos Aires. A huge modern metropolis with parks and free space that still had a very Latin American soul. Clearly the city uses Puerto Madero as its model for the future and all I have to say is that if this is the future then I could definitely get on board. 

Let's continue with some more pictures:

A statue commemorating one of Argentina's naval ships.

A huge grassy park in Puerto Madero.
Along the river.

The next few pictures are of people who were hanging out on the streets and parks of Puerto Madero. This is the first time that I ever really felt like an outsider in Buenos Aires. I really think I was the only tourist on this side of the river and I definitely got some weird evil eyes for it and well the fact that I was also taking pictures of people may have had something to do with it....but I mean....no okay I guess I was pretty sketchy but still.
Dancing on a spot along the marsh of the Rio de La Plata.

                                                                           Playing fútbol not even a few feet away from the dancers.

A bunch of kids playing in a fountain, with their beautiful Golden Retriever.

More fútbol.....per usual.

There was one unfortunate and disappointing part about my accidental trip to Puerto Madero. A few weeks ago I received a comment on my blog about the dangers of swimming in the Rio de la Plata, one of my ten goals for the trip. I was told that it was filthy and I would be crazy to swim in it. I confirmed this with many people but still had the thought that I would swim in it anyways. I mean how dirty could it really be. Well in order to get into Puerto Madero one must cross the Rio de la Plata and let me assure you I will not be completing all ten of my goals : (

The river really needs some help. I don't even understand how it could be so dirty honestly. I think the next project of the Argentine government to help stimulate the Puerto Madero area should be to clean up the river. Directly along Puerto Madero of course there is little actual polluting that goes on, unless it happens at night, so the problem definitely lies more inward. Perhaps with the fact that everyone washes all the trash on their sidewalks into the sewer and drainage system here in the city. I think that in order for a city to truly be a  cultural center a sort of pristine water supply is best. Whether that be a river, a lake, or an ocean there is just something about a clean body of water that seems to give life to everything around it. Well I will let you decide for yourselves about the cleanliness of the river.....here are some pictures.

This guy thought is was nice enough to row in.....and then I saw the picture below.


And because I refuse to end my blog with a picture of a nasty polluted river....A statue of an anchor!

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