27 November 2011

Argentine Musicians Part 3

And the music continues.....

I actually have two singers this time one female and one male....I personally like both of them and it is sort of an accident how I found them. So let's start with the first one.

Her name is Marcela Morelo. She is an Argentine born singer and does a lot of American covers. Her picture is here...

Now that you have seen her let me tell you how I found out about her. I was working at one of my co-op's, Ciudadanos del Mundo actually when I started to hear really loud music coming from my boss's office. This is not at all uncommon and usually it is all Spanish and I don't know any of it really. Well this time I was sure I knew the song, it was Believe by Cher. Then it got to the chorus and I started to sort of hum/sing-along and I realized what I was singing and what was playing were not the same. The song was in Spanish. I didn't realize at first because I don't really know all the words anyways until you get to the chorus part that EVERYONE knows....do you believe in life after love....I know you just sang that in your head.....

It was actually a really weird experience. Luckily, I was not in the office alone and didn't get the silent joy of enjoying my mistake along but rather get to show it off for the other two people I was working with who proceeded to laugh at me. Realizing the song wasn't in English I of course stopped and when my co-workers were done laughing they explained to me that this Argentine singer Marcela Morelo does A LOT of covers of American songs in Spanish. I then went home and youtubed her....(I don't know if that is a verb yet but googled is so I assume youtubed must be too).

Now I present you with the version of Creer that brought me to Marcela Morelo....see if you get confused too....you probably won't, I'm just an idiot.

In listening to her music I have found that I do like some of her covers...not all of them, but some are pretty good. But I have also found a few original songs that she sings that I really enjoy so I thought I would share one of those with you too!

Now that is Marcela Morelo. While watching some of her videos on youtube I found this next singer. He is fantastic and actually had a concert where he sang with Marcela. So without further ado to help make the transition I provide you with a video of both singers Marcela Morelo and the male singer I will write more about after the video, Abel Pintos.

Now Abel Pintos is a singer that is more traditional Argentine in terms of his music. While Marcela is as close to a pop star as I think Argentina really gets....Abel Pintos is sort of like a John Mayer(minus the racist penis) meets Josh Groban kind of singer. What I find really funny is this guy's hair....I know that sounds ridiculous but he had really curly very Josh Groban like hair and then I guess he just shaved it off.....and was completely bald...here are pics of before and after....

There are a lot of songs that I really enjoy by him. They tend to be a little more laid back and mellow which is great when I am trying to write the blog or am working on something else like my embassy presentation (hint hint nudge nudge to the future blog post and what I have been busy doing). I guess I will end this one with a song that I found and played on repeat the first time I heard for at least a good 15 minutes....

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