05 October 2011

El Barrio

Now that I have been in Argentina for almost two weeks I think its about time I take you all on a little trip through my neighborhood. I think its pretty boring, but that's probably because I have seen it every day since I have been here. I do recall when I first arrived being fascinated by it so maybe you'll find it interesting too. Now I would tell you my address, but I think my mother might have a heart attack since my brother (loving angel that he is) told her people were probably going to use my blog to stalk me and rob me, so I will just tell you my apartment is in Palermo.

Okay enough of the back story, I know all you really want to see is the pictures anyways.

This is the street I actually live on which will remain nameless to avoid a stalker who may want to kill me.

One of the fruit stands right by my house.
This is a Fiambreria....which is sort of like deli.

Hmmmm....Oh yea I forgot the best thing that is right next to my apartment building.....
You can see the name a little better on this one...La Parri de bebe
Quite literally the Baby Barbecue.
So this is basically a barbecue
right next to my apartment building...
it is AMAZING!

Okay well now that you have seen the streets I actually live on I guess the next thing I should show you is the major street that is right by my house.....

Typical pharmacy here in Buenos Aires. Right now the doors are open, but there does come a point, I think like 5:30 the they close the doors and you have to talk to the pharmacist through a small window to get whatever it is you might want. Interesting way of protecting the drugs and the pharmacist.

This is the Subte stop I take to get...well anywhere really.

I realize this is a terrible picture because my finger is in it but this is really the best one of this place...so it happens.

Typical newstand here in Buenos Aires. Its just riddled with magazines from all over the world on all sorts of different topics. If you are tall here odds are you will actually take notice of these for the first time when you hit your head on the hanging portion of some magazine.

What else should I show you....oh how about some more the typical things that you find around the neighborhood....

This is the first test for all of you....Which TAXI below would you choose to take?????? Think wisely....whether or not you get kidnapped may depend on it......

The correct answer is the one with the sign on the top....that sign actually says Radio Taxi...this means it belongs to a company and is not privately owned and operated so if you were to go missing the company would have a major problem....get it???

This is a store dedicated to selling lights.....why did I take a picture of it you might ask?? Quite simple really.....they are EVERYWHERE!!! What is it with these people and light fixtures? I honestly have no idea, but do not be surprised if you find at least 2-3 in every neighborhood.

These are UNICEF workers trying to get you to donate money.....Yes its true they don't only harass you on  the streets in the US cities to ask you if you have a minute to save children....What's nice though is this time when I pretend not to speak the language of the country I can just speak English and it works like a charm!

Typical flower shop on almost every street in Buenos Aires. The flowers in all of them are absolutely gorgeous too. I really am impressed by them.

Notice in the two pictures above the tiny door within the bigger lock door. No that door is not made for little people......rather it is how shop owners get in and out of there store to lock it and unlock.....why this door could not have been normal sized I don't really know, but what I do know is it is quite amusing to watch some people squat down to try and get in and out of there stores in this fashion.

I guess the last few pictures are the food places that I have found myself at more than once since coming here to Buenos Aires.

This is the first place I actually had a steak here in Argentina....it is also the place where I had the absolute best steak of my life....no joke...El bife Lomo at Cafe Lopez....I will definitely be frequenting this place.

A fancy restaurant by my apartment...
haven't actually been here yet but it is on the list.

This is a sort do-it-all joint
right down the street from my apartment...
perfect for a cup of coffee
or a quick bite to eat.
This is a Heladería right by my house...delicious and you can buy big tubs of ice cream really cheaply...AMAZING!!

Yes...I know I am a silly American...but there is a McDonald´s right down the street from my house.  I know to get the true cultural experience I shouldn't eat there but in all honesty the McCafe is the only place I have found to get coffee to go and yes I am ending this post with a picture of McDonald's.....save your judgment for you family like normal people.


  1. So I would have been upset if you gave out your address but you pretty much did that anyway with all the locations "right next to your apt. building" etc.. It seems sooooo busy all the time much more congested than Boston and also everyone is wearing jackets, hope you have warm enough clothing !!

  2. I looked at the pictures agian, maybe not any busier than Boston actually, the pictures are a good. Is there any green space anywhere
